
About Peanut

Evergo International is one of the top leading Peanut supplier company from India in a competitive price according to clients needs.
Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) belong to the family Fabaceae. The genus Arachis has more than 70 wild species, of which only Arachis hypogaea L. is domesticated and commonly cultivated. They can grow in a wide range of soils, with the exception of saline soils since they have a low salt tolerance. Peanut is a self-pollinated annual legume crop with a growing period of about 5 months. After flower pollination, pegs (stalks that hold the flower) lean over into the soil, where seed-containing pods are formed and developed.
Peanuts are widely cultivated for their high quality edible oil as well as for their use for human consumption and fodder. The peanut is one of the leading agricultural crops in the world for the production of vegetable oil since it has an excellent flavor. In addition, peanuts are very popular snacks and are used as ingredients in a wide range of food products and traditional dishes.